Kinds of fractions

When a fraction's numerator is smaller than its denominator, the fraction is smaller than the whole.This kind of fraction is called PROPER FRACTION

For examples:

Two parts are shaded in the above diagram. Total number of equal parts is 3. Therefore, the shaded part can be represented as 2/3 in fraction. The numerator (top number) is less compared to the denominator (bottom number). This type of fraction is called proper fraction.


Three parts are shaded in the above diagram. Total number of equal parts is 4. Therefore, the shaded part can be represented as 3/4 in fraction. The numerator (top number) is less compared to the denominator (bottom number). So, we know that this type of fraction is called proper fraction.

Improper Fraction:

Fractions with the numerator either equal to or greater than the denominator.

Fractions like 7/4, 17/5, 5/2 etc. are not proper fractions. These are improper fractions. The fraction 7/7 is an improper fraction.

The fractions 6/5, 10/3, 13/10, 15/4 are the examples of improper fractions. The top number (numerator) is greater than the bottom number (denominator). Such type of fractions is called improper fractions.

Note: Every natural number can be written as a fraction in which 1 is it's denominator. For example, 2 = 2/1, 25 = 25/1, 53 = 53/1, etc. So every natural number is an improper fraction.


1 3/4

Mixed Number:

A combination of a proper fraction and a whole number is called a mixed number.

2 1/3, 4 5/2, 11 1/10 and 7 5/11 are examples of mixed fraction.

In other words:

A fraction which contains of two parts: 
(i) a natural number and 
(ii) a proper fraction, is called a mixed number, examples: 3 2/5, 7 ¾, etc.

In 3 2/5, 3 is the natural number part and 2/5 is the proper fraction part.

In fact, 3 2/5 means 3 + 2/5.


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